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dunelmosteopaths dunelmosteopaths

Dunelm Osteopaths

Sian offers high standards of Osteopathic care in a welcoming and supportive environment. She hopes you will leave her room feeling more positive and in control than when you arrived so that you can get back to enjoying your life.


Osteopaths are skilled healthcare professionals who use their knowledge and skills to treat people of all ages. We try to understand what is causing your symptoms and if we think that they are due to the mechanics of your body not working well we use hands on techniques to try to change the situation. For example we may treat your foot because that is where an injury has occurred or we may treat your foot because its mechanics are causing your knee pain.

The techniques involve massage and stretching, articulation (movement) through the joints and manipulation. We treat all areas of the body, if it's muscular or got joints we want to get our hands on!

Osteopaths acknowledge the need for healthy lifestyles and will give advice or guidance on exercise, diet and mental attitude. We do our best form a partnership with you, helping you to gain the ability and skills to manage your physical health.

The Clinic


Merryoaks Community Hall,
Park House Road,


The Wellbeing Salon,
6, Cheveley Park Shopping Centre,


The Old Pit Practice,
61, Front St,
Pity Me,
Tel: 0191 383 0677



Welcome to the new website

I've just got in from walking the dog. It's quite cold so I had areasonable cardio-vascular work-out. However I became aware of out how tightly I was holding my back and shoulders over

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Seasons Greetings

We close for Christmas on Friday 21st December. Any problems or concerns, Please phone the normal number and you will be transferred through to Sian. If necessary an Appointment can be arranged between now and the 2nd Jan when we get back to normal hours.

We wish you a Happy and Symptom free holiday. Try tokeep the good habits and exercises going. It's harder when we're out of routines. And if you do forget for a few days don't despair just pick up the pieces again when you can!

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